It is vital for people who work in confined spaces to know how to look after their own safety and that of others.  This course trains people in the correct procedures to follow when working in a confined space, and gives them a basic understanding of rescue procedures.


We have our own custom made Confined Space unit at our training centre in Cork.

The unit has a number of crawl spaces as well as side and top entry hatches and ladders.

There are a range of anchor points on the unit and a selection of up to date equipment for entry and rescue training (such as descender units and davit arms).








Anderlift will run a half-day programme in Confined Space Awareness that will inform participants on the definition of Confined Space as well as providing important guidance in the planning and execution of work in confined space areas.

The programme will also introduce the group to the types of equipment required to operate safely in confined space as well as information on emergency planning for rescue.
The course is extended to one day if participants need to gain specific competence and certification in equipment use.

Maximum number of participants:    10

Duration:      ½  day per course

Alternatively, people can also be trained on an individual basis as we regularly run public courses at our Training Centre in Cork.

Call us on 021-4559180  for more information and available dates or send us a message via our Contact Form.




On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the nature of confined spaces and the hazards associated with them.
  • Understand the requirements of a safe system of work for entry to a confined space as per the HSA Code of Practice.
  • Describe the responsibilities of the confined space entrant, observer and supervisor
  • Describe the basics requirements of a confined space rescue.
  • State the purpose of a confined space entry permit and list the steps for obtaining one.
  • Demonstrate the operation of gas detectors.



  • Legislation
  • Definition of confined space and associated hazards and methods of control
  • Setting the scene: Case histories
  • Confined spaces: Identification of Hazards.
  • Safe work practices: Entry permits – Safe procedures – Emergency Plan.
  • Safety equipment e.g. harnesses, winches, fall arrest or whatever equipment is used on site – Safety lighting – Personal Protective Equipment – Emergency Escape Sets
  • Atmospheric testing: Unsafe atmospheres – Definitions – Gas detection equipment.
  • Practical session: To include the use of harnesses, tripod, winches, fall arrestors and rescue devices, escape breathing sets (if available or applicable)


Maximum number of participants:    10

Duration:     1 day with the emphasis on practical use of equipment and risk assessment of areas where confined space work is carried out.

We also run public courses for people who want to be trained on an individual basis at our training centre in Cork.

Call us on 021-4559180  for more information and available dates or send us a message via our Contact Form.