Anderlift Safety Services provide a wide range of In-Company courses. All of our courses are flexible in terms of design and delivery, enabling us to work closely with clients to ensure that the training product they receive meets their specific needs.
We are always willing to meet with clients in advance of training to plan an approach that will maximize the on the job benefit to participants.
Companies or individuals requiring small numbers of participants to be trained can send candidates to our Public Courses at our Training Centre in Cork.
Anderlift provide a broad range of mainstream Health and Safety training but are proud to be an Accredited Institution with PHECC.
Anderlift Safety Services are a well-established provider of Health and Safety Training and Consultancy, operating nationwide.
Anderlift have a Category 3a (Scissors) and 3b (Boom Lift) on site and can now train and certify operators through the IPAF system.
We regularly provide a wide range of our most popular courses, available to the public for training in our facility.
Anderlift deliver a comprehensive range of courses for clients, focusing on gaining an understanding of the site-specific requirements.
We have developed a wide range of specialist courses, using a wide range of equipment with specifically designed courses.
With a range of Consultancy Services to offer, our focus is to meet with clients to scope the nature and duration of the consultancy support required.
We provide training that is recognised on the National Framework of Awards, leading to QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) awards.