Policy in relation to Covid-19
Anderlift Safety Services understand the serious threat posed by the existence of the Covid-19 virus. We are committed to managing our activities to minimise the Covid related risks posed to our staff and to others who may be affected by our company operations.
As a provider of Health and Safety Training and Consultancy services, we are aware of our health and safety responsibilities and our duty as Employers to ensure safety “in so far as is reasonably practicable”.
We fully accept the requirements of the specific Return to Work Safety Protocol prepared by the Department of Business, Enterprise and the Department of Health.
Under this Response Plan Anderlift Safety Services will
- Update our Health and Safety Statement and Risk Assessments to take account of the risks posed by Covid-19.
- Maintain an Attendance/Contact Log of staff at work in Anderlift premises.
- Identify areas within our service provision where risk from exposure to Covid-19 may exist and implement specific controls to either eliminate or reduce such risk to the lowest possible level.
- Take into account the individual health risk factors of our staff members and potential visitors to our business premises.
- Put in place a procedure to deal with a suspected case of Covid-19.
- Develop Work plans to ensure risk exposure to Covid-19 is minimised.
- Communicate with staff on a regular basis in relation to Covid-19 related issues beginning with an Covid-19 Induction programme for staff.
- Review this plan based on updated information received from responsible government departments and the Health and Safety Authority.
Anderlift Safety Services- Key Measures in place to deal with threat of Covid-19
- Return to Work Self -Declaration Form
Anderlift Safety Services will ensure that all staff returning to work complete a “Back to Work” self -declaration form indicating that they are:
- Fit for work and showing no signs or symptoms of Covid-19
- Have not recently travelled abroad.
- Have not been in contact with another person suffering from Covid-19 or suspected of having Covid-19 and also are not suffering from any underlying medical condition.
2. Covid Induction Training
All Anderlift Staff have completed a Covid Induction Programme, outlining the details of the Government Back to Work Protocol and details of the specific Anderlift precautions set out in this document.
3. Cleaning and Personal Hygiene Regime at Anderlift Training Centre
Anderlift Safety Services have put in place a specific office and training room cleaning regime and have installed a substantial number of sanitising wall units in key locations. All toilet areas are fully equipped with hot water, soap and disposable paper towels. Staff have been informed of the need for regular hand-washing, as well as the need for effective cough and respiratory etiquette. In that regard, adequate Covid-19 signage is in place throughout our training facility and offices. All equipment and furniture are sanitised on a regular basis. All contact surfaces in our administration areas and all training and other equipment used are subject to regular cleaning with approved cleaning materials.
4. Social Distancing
Both staff and participants must observe the 2 metre rule at all times on the Anderlift premises. Training has been given to all staff in relation to areas to be accessed by both staff and participants. Each participant will have their own desk and equipment for the duration of their training session. Participant numbers have been significantly reduced in order to ensure adequate social distancing.
5. Use of Training Facilities
As part of our Return to Work Protocol Anderlift will use the Zoom or Microsoft Teams platform as much as possible to deliver training to Clients. This will ensure that Covid-19 risk is not a factor for the majority of our training provision.
We will travel to client locations once social distancing and hygiene protocols are fully met. Anderlift Safety Services and client companies will agree Covid control measures in advance of any proposed training. Training will not proceed unless adequate Covid Protection measures are in place.
All programmes will be run with much reduced participant numbers and strict social distancing and hygiene protocols in place. Participants on planned programmes will complete a form, similar to the back to work declaration form, indicating they are “fit” to participate and have not been exposed to Covid Risk.
As part of the company Covid Induction, all staff are briefed on specific requirements in this area.
6. Suspected Case of Covid at Anderlift Training Centre
Anderlift will use a specific and designated room should either a staff member or visitor show signs or symptoms of Covid-19. The person will be given a mask and arrangements will be made to ensure that the person can get home safely. The suspected case will be advised to contact their GP (or local medical centre) for advice on self-isolation and medical intervention, as necessary. The area frequented by the suspected case will be thoroughly cleaned and the contact log will be used to ascertain if staff members or others were in substantial contact with the suspected case. Medical advice will be sought, as required.
7. Contact Log/Register
Anderlift Safety Services will maintain a contact log (on a daily basis) for all staff members and visiting contract trainers present at our training centre. This log will be available for contact tracing purposes – as will attendance records of participants completing training that may occur in the facility. Our worker representative, will ensure that the contact log is effectively maintained.
8. Dealing with Deliveries and Contractors
The exterior doors of Anderlift Safety Services premises will remain locked and no general access is permitted to the business. All deliveries and collections will take place outside of the premises. In the limited circumstances of a contractor needing to carry out work on our premises, details of the contractor will be entered in our contact log. The contractor will be required to complete work and leave the premises in as short a time as is possible and will not use the company canteen while visiting. The contractor will be supervised/monitored during the work schedule and will be expected to observe and maintain a high level of personal hygiene.
9. Communication and Employee Responsibility
Anderlift Safety Services will keep staff updated on any changes that are required in relation to the management of Covid-19. Employees will be expected to co-operate fully with both the government Return to Work Safely Protocol and the precautions outlined in this management response document.
Employees will be reminded of their general duties, as outlined in the 2005 Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act.